Olympic Karate Inc. hold classes at selective venues in London. As well as our regular Karate classes, we also offer some Specialist Karate Services and other useful sessions such as workshops, school mentoring programs and in-house, kata & kumite competitions.

We want you to enjoy your time at club Olympic Karate Inc. to meet and make new friends and make self-discoveries. It's my promise, that you will find your training module packed with a variety of interesting work.
Shuseki Shihan Soke Carl Taj Prempeh-Dyer V11 8th Dan - Olympic Karate Inc. 2012 Founder

Why not check out Olympic Karate Inc.'s other specialist Karate services in and around London including our multiple championship winning National Karate Squad Training sessions. Olympic Karate Inc. have always worked closely with local youth groups, disability organizations and education programmes in schools etc. and constantly strive to enhance and improve our work with students both young and old.

We take take huge pride in our continued youth mentoring work and ties with the community, these attributes are a big part of Olympic Karate Inc.'s history and indeed our future progression.We aspire to offer a full support network, both emotinally and physically through martial arts and fitness, it's this team spirit and confidence that embodies the very essence of everything we aim to achieve.


LMAT - London Martial Arts Tournaments

london martial arts tournaments lmat





LMAT - The 'London Martial Arts Tournaments' run the various In-House Karate competitions for Olympic Karate Inc.
Contact us
for more information regarding London Martial Arts Tournaments.


Olympic Karate Inc. attend Karate championships all over the world.

Karate Workshops

Various workshops are available (i.e. grading, kata and basics). Students are given their own marked folders.

Please see the timetable or click here to contact us for more information on Karate workshops.

KarateWorkshop Folders



Olympic Karate Inc.'s grading panel regularly mark student’s examinations.

Syllabus - Kyu Grades (Printable)

School Mentor Support

We have dedicated staff to provide support, please contact us for more information on School Mentor Support

Learning Difficulties Classes

Olympic Karate Inc is totally committed to providing the best support for student with learning difficulties. Students who have additional needs will have regular access to a support instructor and an individual programme of additional help. All support takes full account of the student's own views and preferred ways of learning. Every twelve (12) weeks students negotiate an individual support plan which will be reviewed with their support tutor and then by the performance director. During an induction or an enrolment time all students who require extra support will have an assessment interview and assessment of their needs with a member of the support team.

Wills and Wealth Planning

Olympic Karate Inc, has partnered with an experienced estate planning specialist, from Honey Legal, to provide for all of your needs from an estate planning perspective, including wills, powers of attorney, probate service and funeral plans. They also work with a number of specialist partners, to provide life insurance and inheritance tax planning. Contact April on 0790 9980677 or go to www.honeyfriends.co.uk/april.spence

Youth Council

As a member of Olympic Karate Inc, all students belong to the Student Council. Students elect their own representative. The Council meets regularly and discusses matters that are important to them and their development. Representatives of the Council can call a meeting with the lead Instructor, and front of house of a Club and raise issues of concern at any meeting call by them. The performance director will meet Council members from time-to-time.

Child Protection Policy

Olympic Karate Inc.'s Child Protection Policy can be downloaded in PDF karate syllabus pdf click here

Please contact us for further information should you require it.

Child Protection Supervision Procedure

Olympic Karate Inc.'s Child Protection Supervision Procedure can be downloaded in PDF karate syllabus pdf click here

Please contact us for further information should you require it.

Grading Policy & Precepts

Olympic Karate Inc.'s Child Grading Policy & Precepts can be downloaded in PDF karate syllabus pdf click here

Please contact us for further information should you require it.

Student Code Of Practise

Olympic Karate Inc.'s Student Code Of Practice can be downloaded in PDF karate syllabus pdf click here

Please contact us for further information should you require it.


We run regular Karate classes for students of all abilities (beginner to advanced) form age 4 years and above.

For a full timetable of all our classes, click here

As well as our midweek classes we also have squad training sessions. These run on the first Saturday of the Month only excluding December & January. Your child will then be eligible to attend National championships in the UK. Those who are very successful can even be selected to compete on the international circuit. The squad have achieved a lot of success at championships in the UK with students also featured in many local newspaper tabloids. We train at Studio 406, address: 406 Mentmore Terrace, London E8 3PN 4.15pm until 6.15pm.

For a full timetable of all our classes, click here

One to one personal Karate training is available as a specialist service, by booking only. Please contact us for more details regarding Karate training on a personal basis.

For a full timetable of all our classes, click here


Shihan Karate Master London Shuseki Hanshi Soke Carl Taj Prempeh-Dyer V11 8th Dan

The mastermind behind the success of the O.K.I. group and club international team (past and present)

read more about Hanshi Carl T Prempeh VII
Shihan Ade Bamiduro

Former club international, now assistant Chief Instructor for O.K.I.

read more about Shihan Ade Bamiduro
Sensei Tyrone Jeffers Sensei Tyrone Jeffers

A former club international, now Club Instructor, Head Fighting Coach, Chief Referee for National Squad & Works Director for O.K.I.

read more about Sensei Tyrone Jeffers
Sensei Deborah Harouma Sensei Pamela Burton

Newest member to the coaching team

read more about Sensei Pamela Burton
sensei beris Instructor Beris Daniels

Club Instructor & Danielkai Flow Instructor

read more about Instructor Beris
sensei paulSensei Paul

Sensei - Haringey

read more about Sensei Paul
sensei lincolnSensei Lincoln

Sensei - Haringey

read more about Sensei Lincoln
Instructor JimmyCoach Marlon D'andrade

Junior's Kumite Coach

read more about Coach Marlon
Vivienne Jeffers - Olympic Football Vivienne Jeffers


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karate sensei tyrone jeffers sensei ade bamiduro shihan carl t prempeh olympic karate oki 2012 London inshallah do yobi kumite kata Higashi Olympic Karate Inc. 2012 Self defense fitness classes karate competition east london black belt Unique Successful Strong