OLYMPIC KARATE INC - JAMAICA - Forum Term of reference

Item No. Terms

Through this term of reference our performance accountability has map the outcomes. OKIUK and OKIJ in their resolve to improve children and young people of Jamaica will adhere to these terms:

1. To establish a multi-martial arts agency as the independent forum that is fully finance through 'ring-fencing methods' that are in the funding to:

Manage the operation of 'Olympic Karate Inc Jamaica' and by so doing address issues that concern 'Children & Young People' and their Community including development with a permanent chair who is the ' founder and chief instructor' and his assistant the nominated vice chair of OKIJ duly elected by due process as-an overseas territory.

2. To Hold at least four (4) meetings a year and no more-than forty five (45) extraordinary meeting a year and at such meetings do such things:

(a) Act as the criterion including summative and formative evaluation.

(b) Understanding the problem surrounding children in sport, developing solutions, putting solutions into effect, test success and manage outcomes.

(c) Better the included plans of action that are based on reason reflecting OKIJ resources, the development of projects, the transparent and blamed implementation, efforts that are motivated by the best methods of prevention that secure long-term-goals.

(d) Tenable action: Drive Local Strategic Partnerships (DLSP) - National Centre on Youth Development (NCYD) - U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - Centre for Sustainable Regeneration (CfSR) - Standard Board for Jamaica.

(e) Make such decisions and discoveries as appropriate to proactive and reactive goals.

(f) Act as it may be necessary to safeguard a child: considering the needs of the child outweigh those of the adults; a child for these purposes is a person under the age of eighteen.

(g) Empowered with express authority engage on existing matters of development dispute or otherwise.

3. To engage with and build on existing relationship with all establish and not so-establish Martial Arts Organisation, Club, Faith Groups, School and Community Centre, Educational establishments, Community organisations, Women, Student and youth groups within Jamaica communities with the aim of developing and implementing strategies that increases awareness and drive ‘empowerment methods’ that aid in the delivery of Local community priorities such as:

(a) Creating trust and cohesion.

(b) Meeting the development needs for children & young people.

(c) Preventing violent extremism.

(d) Improving responses to 'Local Authority'

(e) Improving communication and delivery of fundamental sport policies.

(f) Protecting Caribbean Family Values, Cultures and fine Tradition.

(g) Improving Jamaican outlook on gender orientation.

(h) Reducing repeat offending (children and young adults).

(i) Increasing public confidence in policing and local community project and partnership.

(j) Improving community engagement.

(k) Preventing early-teen pregnancy.

4. To be the central point for information, advice, guidance, research and representation on martial arts into the community as priority specifically affecting ‘The area and catchment of OKIJ operation in Jamaica'

5. To submit written responses to consultations; taking part in consultation events, conferences, seminars and workshops.

6. To commission research or be the author of case studies based on own work.

7. To organise championships, courses; workshop, grading and awards, do reports and submit to the relevant government department, government minister and local MP.

8. To lead and participate in partnership work with ‘Communities, Centres, Statutory and Voluntary Sectors’ raise awareness on Christendom, Jewish, Islam and other notable religion thus effectively disseminate information to all section of the community to counteract negative extremist and narrative publicity.

9. To employ savvy 'think and do tank' on the matter of policy impact

10. To act as lead and work in partnership statutory and voluntary sector agencies and groups to implement local hate and Street crime reduction initiatives within the centres and wider Communities within Jamaica.

11. To establish training methods that channels and exchanges significant information given young girls' the negotiation skills and boys positive attitude that will serve as reasonable tool for discussion.

12. To participate and lead-in community safety and ‘Prevent training opportunities that impact specifically on the communities where we serve.

13. To work in partnership with statutory and voluntary sector agencies and local faith groups thus increasing our participation, in the development of 'young leadership'

14. To promote confidence and encourage engagement of OKIJ youth members in particular children, young people and women in local decision-making.

15. To organise fundraising events that supports the aims and objective of OKIJ.

16. To attend courses / meetings on matters relative to the needs of the menders; to encourage and endorse appropriate members in the setting up of OKIJ junior classes.

17. To Arrange and operate all appropriate accounts of finance that propels the objective of OKIJ.

18. To training and make fit for purpose, individuals and teams for 'national selection' : individuals who are the specialist in kumite and kata.

19. To nominate and select representatives from OKIJ Squad to enter the national selection process organised by the 'appropriate national selection committees' that represent 'the governing body' of JAMAICA

20. To make accessible and manage accredit courses that qualify any aspirant as a 'referee, judge, or such official' that are recognised a 'tournament officials'.

21. To nominate representatives from OKIJ that holds Jamaican legitimacy to sit on the appropriate committees, panels, bodies statutory or otherwise as the need might be and/ to represent the views of OKIJ and that of the members thus providing reasonable feedback on relevant decisions, made-then, pending or otherwise.

22. To be a stakeholder / partner / joint venture of any business that aid in the good change of a member or their family

23. To act as the educational sponsor for the qualifying licence member with a well-proven milestones.

24. To acquire land or premises and by so doing act as the necessary instrument to fulfil the ‘Terms’

Important Assumptions

OKIJ development depends on important assumptions, most of which are reflected in our statement that follow. We have been cautious with the terms and development projections, and we have incorporate mitigation for all manageable risk known. The key underlying assumptions are:



Slow Economic Recovery. We anticipate a slow-growth economy, with no assistant from the funding institutes in Jamaica. As Jamaica is recovering from an economic recession this can prove difficult in the decisions making as to which groups are funded. With that in mind we have secured start-up capital and reserved finance as building funds.

RFF Ring Fence Funding.
We anticipate needs for start up capital and reserve operation over the coming years: OKIJ ring-fence funding is for three3 years £12,000 per year.


OKIJ Business Growth

Annual Student Growth Rate Percentage.


We anticipate modest growth over the coming years. The student membership account for the following growth projections:

- Year 1: 6% Year 3: 4%
- Year 2: 5% Year 4: 4%

Annual Club Growth Rate Percentage.


We anticipate modest growth over the coming years. The club accounts for the following growth projections:

- Year 1: 3 Clubs Year 3: 14 Clubs
- Year 2: 7 Clubs Year 4: 21 Clubs

Year 3:


Will see construction of OKIJ HUB, Dojo & Gym 16,000 sq feet complex with sport-shop, showers sauna and changing rooms (see architectural design) not yet presented.

Weekly Training Variance.


Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday will typically be our prime-training days for the week. The membership volume for all other days is represented as a percentage relative to Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Therefore our weekly members attendance will vary as follows:

- Monday: 10 %.
- Tuesday: 20 %.
- Wednesday: 40 %.
- Thursday: 60 %.
- Friday: 80 %.
- Saturday: 90 %.
- Sunday: 60 %.

In addition and while we understand that a 'strong community and its social structure are significant in providing the appropriate environment for the socialisation of children and young people in Jamaica' and,

On a point of Faith we would like it to be known and straight from the shoulder that no person child or adult no matter-who or how outstanding or incomparable as one might be. Should it known that a person do not trust in their respective God and are in avoidance of their respective faith-devotions or do-not-attend their respective worship that person must never be accepted as a member or as an instructor of OKIJ.

We at OKIJ have established the 0 tolerance for drugs and substance that harms.

Alcohol is strictly forbidden for 'Instructors'. Squad and International Members are advice that alcohol is not an appropriate intake before and during a-mission and that direct consequence is a ban following a-suspension for six months.

While we do understand that alcoholic substance such as drinks are most pleasurable and an enjoyable thing to-do and as it is proven, I admit that drinking sensible do bring-on a feeling of wellbeing but the science to my understanding is this 'the purveyor of the wellbeing was alcohol'.

We strongly condemn any 'lead' that cause disrepute whereby 'faith in God and pureness in-sport' are challenge by their very own admission of 'alcohol and drugs'.

There is a saying,

' It's wise to pay and train too much, but it is worse to pay and train too little. When you train too much you lose just a little from the outcomes - that is all. When you train far-too-little, you sometimes lose everything, because the little you have trained was incapable of bring-off the things you have planned to do.

The understanding of good training outcomes, rule out, that one does a little training and reaps maximum outcomes; it cannot be done. So, if you risk paying for a little bit of training with a coach, you might as well save more to pay for the risk you run, and if you can do that you will have had enough to pay for something better'

Shuseki Shihan Soke Carl Taj Prempeh-Dyer V11 8th Dan